How To Pick The Right Expedition Vehicle?

How To Pick The Right Expedition Vehicle

Expedition vehicles or expedition trucks are essential for the most comfortable extended road trips or adventures. They offer the ultimate comfort and can even be luxurious, depending on what you choose to have yours outfitted with. But how do you choose the right expedition vehicle for you? And how can you turn it into the perfect getaway truck with all the comforts of home? 

Consider Your Adventure Habits

When choosing your expedition truck, you should consider what kind of chassis will best suit your needs. If you’re going off-roading, you need the right vehicle for the job. A more robust, durable vehicle will serve you better while traveling over extreme terrain. On the other hand, if your adventure consists mostly of paved roads and highways, a smaller van will suffice. 

You’ll also need to consider how far you’re planning to travel. Extended cross-country trips require more from your vehicle than weekend-long excursions do, so it’s important to take your plans into account. You may opt for a vehicle with a larger gas tank if you journey long distances. 

Consider The Size 

You must also consider the size of your ideal vehicle. Expedition vehicles come in various sizes to meet the needs of every adventurist. The size will also help determine which model vehicle you choose - an expedition truck or a van - and how many people can comfortably travel with you. You might also choose a larger vehicle if you plan on traveling with pets. If you prefer to stay in remote areas, your expedition vehicle should be large enough to house the necessary supplies and gear. If you tend to stay closer to bustling towns or established campsites, you’ll need less space. 

Consider Amenities You’d Like To Add

Once you choose your vehicle, you can move on to the fun part – customizing the interior. Adventure trucks have nearly limitless potential, so you can create a vehicle that is perfect for you. If you’re planning longer adventures, you can add a kitchen equipped with reliable appliances and compact storage space. With enough space in your vehicle, you can even install a shower to eliminate the need for extra stops. A lofted bed allows you to rest anywhere along your journey. 

However, more incremental adventures may not require such lavish amenities. If you tend to take weekend-long trips during warmer months, you may rather camp outdoors eliminating the need for a lofted bed. Or, perhaps you like to indulge in local cuisine and won’t utilize an ample kitchen. More modest adventurers may be drawn to smaller vehicles that are outfitted with amenities useful on shorter trips. 

Choose a Professional Design Company That Can Produce Your Ideal Adventure Vehicle

Acme Overland is well-versed in creating the highest-quality adventure vehicles on the market. No matter the size or scope of your adventure, we can provide you with a vehicle you’ll love. Call us today for more information!