ACME Overland is a professional overland upfitting company. As specialists in crafting custom expedition trucks, we're dedicated to achieving the zenith of your adventure goals. From selecting the perfect base vehicle to personally sending you off on your inaugural road trip, we're with you every step of the way.

Our commitment to excellence is evident in our streamlined approach, which prioritizes transparency, clear communication, and unparalleled craftsmanship at every turn. Whether you're embarking on a solo journey or a family expedition, we’re here to build the perfect vehicle for your adventures.

Explore our process below and contact us to get started on your vehicle today.


1) Purchase Base Vehicle

Some of the best expedition trucks are retired civilian work trucks from Europe. They are mechanical in nature, AWD, and incredibly capable. Also, there are also a number of great base vehicles stateside. We're happy to assist you with every step; determining the best base vehicle, purchasing, refurbishing if needed, and a plethora of other factors to ensure the base vehicle is perfect for your needs.

2) Design With Us

Each unique adventurer deserves a custom overland vehicle that meets the demands of each unique adventure. Our background as avid travelers paired with our keen eye for design and expert craftsmanship allows us to create premier expedition vehicles, from 4x4 vans to Mercedes overland vehicles and rugged campers, that accommodate modest and extreme adventurers alike.

When you work with us on, you can expect a vehicle that’s exactly what you need, all the way down to the floor boards.The result? An expedition vehicle that you’ll love.

Designing with us means bringing your lifestyle to the vehicle. We build your van.

3) Building

There are no limits to how we can customize your overland camper van. From wiring it for electricity to installing plumbing and even solar panels, the possibilities are endless.

As part of our custom conversions, we can add a custom kitchenette with multifunctional cabinetry for quick cooking on the go. Other finishes from upholstery and custom flooring to showers and appliances give you comfort and reassurance along any adventure. Do you have your own design ideas? We’d love to hear them and make them a reality!

4) Pickup

Off-grid vehicles need to be tough to withstand the roughest terrain, while providing the comfort of home no matter the season. Each of our custom adventure vans and exhibition vehicles are expertly designed and constructed with hard-wearing materials you can trust. We guarantee your vehicle will be ready for any adventure.

Get started today by contacting us.